Tawa Tandoori Roti

6 roti costed ₹14.9 including LPG

1 roti costs ₹2.48 and contains 231 calories

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This recipe is categorised under :

General Recipe Information
Recipe Cost14.9 for 6 roti
Total Calories1383
Water Used0.1 Liters
Labour23 Minutes
Total Time158 Minutes
LPG cylinder cost (Domestic 14.2Kg)
LPG Burned15 Minutes (~ ₹ 2.5)
Recipe typevegan
Sugar Free?no
Gluten Free?no
Ingredient breakup
NameCost/KgCal/100gQty (units)UsedCostUsedCal
All purpose flour 495 250 grams 6.25 1238
Refined oil 900 1 spoon 0.6 36
Sugar 387 2 spoons 0.96 93
Yeast powder 325 1 spoon 4.5 16
COST : ₹   12.31     CALORIES : 1383
Step by step Recipe of Tawa Tandoori Roti

Before starting this recipe, make sure you have all the ingredients shown above. Changing quantity of ingredents may affect the recipe taste or performance. Also please check labour time and total time to ensure that you have sufficient time and energy.

While making Tawa Tandoori Roti, follow these 15 steps every time.

  1. Add 1 spoon of Yeast powder in a bowl.
  2. Add 2 spoons of Sugar.
  3. Mix some water and keep aside for 15 minutes for Yeast to activate.
  4. Add and sieve 250 grams of All purpose flour.
  5. Knead the dough with yeast mixture.
  6. Add 1 spoon of Refined oil to grease.
  7. Wait 2 hours for dough to rise.
  8. Split and divide dough to form balls.
  9. Roll the balls with as least pressure as possible.
  10. Rub water on front surface to make it sticky.
  11. Preheat pan on highest flame for 5 minutes.
  12. Stick the roti on pan with sticky side on hot pan surface.
  13. Reverse the pan mid air above the flame and cook.
  14. When cooked, remove roti from pan.
  15. We cooked 6 roti in 15 minutes.