Paneer Kadai Pizza

2 pizza costed ₹122.75 including LPG

1 pizza costs ₹61.38 and contains 1254 calories

Prices may differ in your region. You can edit yellow boxes for correction. Everything will be recalculated automatically.

This recipe is categorised under :

General Recipe Information
Recipe Cost122.75 for 2 pizza
Total Calories2507
Water Used0.6 Liters
Labour68 Minutes
Total Time236 Minutes
LPG cylinder cost (Domestic 14.2Kg)
LPG Burned35 Minutes (~ ₹ 5.83)
Recipe typevegetarian
Sugar Free?no
Gluten Free?no
Ingredient breakup
NameCost/KgCal/100gQty (units)UsedCostUsedCal
All purpose flour 495 250 grams 6.25 1238
Aluminium foil 0 11 grams 5.09 0
Bell Peppers 28 80 grams 8 22
Mozarella Cheese (homemade) 436 200 grams 70 872
Onions 40 80 grams 2.4 32
Paneer 300 50 grams 15 150
Red Sauce (local) 140 50 grams 3 70
Sugar 387 2 spoons 0.96 93
Tomatoes 18 80 grams 1.6 14
Yeast powder 325 1 spoon 4.5 16
COST : ₹   116.8     CALORIES : 2507
Step by step Recipe of Paneer Kadai Pizza

Before starting this recipe, make sure you have all the ingredients shown above. Changing quantity of ingredents may affect the recipe taste or performance. Also please check labour time and total time to ensure that you have sufficient time and energy.

While making Paneer Kadai Pizza, follow these 23 steps every time.

  1. Add 2 spoons of Sugar in a bowl.
  2. Add 1 spoon of Yeast powder.
  3. Dissolve in water & wait 15 min to activate yeast.
  4. If deep foam is formed, proceed.
  5. Knead dough by mixing yeast water & 250g all purpose flour.
  6. Wrap 2 steel plates with aluminium foil.
  7. Roll dough to make 2 bases & put in covered plates.
  8. Let Pizza bases ferment for 2 Hrs.
  9. Using 0.5 liters of water to wash vegetables.
  10. Dice 80 grams of Bell Peppers.
  11. Dice 80 grams of Onions.
  12. Dice 80 grams of Tomatoes.
  13. Dice 50 grams of Paneer.
  14. Grate 200g of mozzarella cheese or cut into small pieces.
  15. 50ml pizza sauce will be split & used on both pizza bases.
  16. Add toppings to pizza.
  17. Preheat Wok & Griddle for 5 minutes.
  18. Transfer pizza to Wok, cover with hot Griddle & cook for 15 Min.
  19. Add toppings to second pizza.
  20. Take first out & put second in for 15 minutes.
  21. Carefully remove foil, cut pizza & serve.
  22. Second pizza is also ready now.
  23. Carefully remove foil, cut pizza & serve.